Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Meet LIBERTARIA, our publishing venture

 Looking back looks like it was a lifetime ago that we launched Libertaria as a meagre Left Libertarian inspired Democratic Socialist journal, and the nuisance it was for those that read met us that we insisted on labelling ourselves as Anarchists in the tradition of the 1875 Portuguese Socialist...

Summer is here again (yearly update)

A year has passed and as you can notice I did not relaunch the blog, a few days after the last post I was taken by surprise by the multinational where I work being forced out of the position where I had worked since 2017 and back into the office while the rest of my team was allowed to keep working...

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Summer is here, the blog is back

It's been a few months since the last post, since then I updated the blog with a fresh layout, joined Patreon (but so far, I did not even bother to launch it), created a newsletter and took some time out for my Portuguese language projects and a brand-new personal project: purchasing a tiny piece of...

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Resurrecting Bernstein in Portugal

Surprisingly, or not given that left-wing publishing in Portugal has been pretty much literati and scholars connected to the Communist Party, Anarchism or other assorted far-left intellectuals and academics since the mid 1970's, Eduard Bernstein has yet to be reprinted in Portugal, the only available...

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Dictatorship of the Righteous, The Best Far-Right Money Can Buy

 Unlike his European counterparts, André Ventura - leader of the Portuguese far-right CHEGA - has not been all that shy on his goals and so far has already claimed such human rights violations such as physically castrating sex offenders, chopping off the hands of burglars and creating a new Portuguese...

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Why it took so long for Portugal to have a successful far-right?

Portugal and Spain had right-wing dictatorships that lasted through decades, yet both countries were the last to have successful far-right parties electing MPs when compared to the rest of Europe, why is that? The following analysis has rendered me many hates in Portugal, but it is quite factual.It’s...

Short note on my health

Sorry for the ghosting, but as I had mentioned here I'm going through some health issues and both the bad news and the heavy use of corticosteroids have left pretty much on a mind state that rendered me unable to write, translate or even function properly some days - I've been on corticosteroids for...

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Azores: far-right agrees to support new government coalition!

It's official: the Social-Democrat Party (PSD, Liberal/Centre-Right), the People's Party (CDS/PP, Liberal-Conservative) and the Monarchic People's Party (PPM, Conservative/Royalist) have signed an agreement with the far-right ENOUGH (CHEGA) and with the Liberal Initiative (IL, Libertarian/Neoliberal)...

Sunday, 15 November 2020

A personal update on my health

I know I promised a follow up article on the large right-wing coalition in the Azores, that includes an agreement with the far-right (yes, it happened), but I'm struggling with a few health issues, taking some heavy medication that leaves me on a zombie like situation and mood, it's harder than usual...